Storing data on-chain

Algorand smart contracts have three different types of on-chain storage they can utilise: Global storage, Local storage and Scratch storage.

The life-cycle of a smart contract matches the semantics of Python classes when you consider deploying a smart contract as “instantiating” the class. Any calls to that smart contract are made to that instance of the smart contract, and any state assigned to self. variables will persist across different invocations (provided the transaction it was a part of succeeds, of course). You can deploy the same contract class multiple times, each will become a distinct and isolated instance.

During a single smart contract execution there is also the ability to use “temporary” storage either global to the contract execution via Scratch storage, or local to the current method via local variables and subroutine params.

Global storage

Global storage is state that is stored against the contract instance and can be retrieved by key. There are AVM limits to the amount of global storage that can be allocated to a contract.

This is represented in Algorand Python by either:

  1. Assigning any Algorand Python typed value to an instance variable (e.g. self.value = UInt64(3))

  2. Using an instance of GlobalState, which gives some extra features to understand and control the value and the metadata of it (which propagates to the ARC-32 app spec file)

For example:

self.global_int_full = GlobalState(UInt64(55), key="gif", description="Global int full")
self.global_int_simplified = UInt64(33)
self.global_int_no_default = GlobalState(UInt64)

self.global_bytes_full = GlobalState(Bytes(b"Hello"))
self.global_bytes_simplified = Bytes(b"Hello")
self.global_bytes_no_default = GlobalState(Bytes)

global_int_full_set = bool(self.global_int_full)
bytes_with_default_specified = self.global_bytes_no_default.get(b"Default if no value set")
int, is_set = self.global_int_simplified.maybe()
error_if_not_set = self.global_int_no_default.value

These values can be assigned anywhere you have access to self i.e. any instance methods/subroutines. The information about global storage is automatically included in the ARC-32 app spec file and thus will automatically appear within any generated typed clients.

Local storage

Local storage is state that is stored against the contract instance for a specific account and can be retrieved by key and account address. There are AVM limits to the amount of local storage that can be allocated to a contract.

This is represented in Algorand Python by using an instance of LocalState.

For example:

def __init__(self) -> None:
    self.local = LocalState(Bytes)
    self.local_with_metadata = LocalState(UInt64, key = "lwm", description = "Local with metadata")

def get_guaranteed_data(self, for_account: Account) -> Bytes:
    return self.local[for_account]

def get_data_with_default(self, for_account: Account, default: Bytes) -> Bytes:
    return self.local.get(for_account, default)

def get_data_or_assert(self, for_account: Account) -> Bytes:
    result, exists = self.local.maybe(for_account)
    assert exists, "no data for account"
    return result

def set_data(self, for_account: Account, value: Bytes) -> None:
    self.local[for_account] = value

def delete_data(self, for_account: Account) -> None:
    del self.local[for_account]

These values can be assigned anywhere you have access to self i.e. any instance methods/subroutines. The information about local storage is automatically included in the ARC-32 app spec file and thus will automatically appear within any generated typed clients.

Box storage

There isn’t currently first-class support via self. for box storage, but this feature is coming soon.

In the meantime, you can use the box storage AVM ops to interact with box storage.

For example:

op.Box.create(b"key", size)
op.Box.put(Txn.sender.bytes, answer_ids.bytes)
(votes, exists) = op.Box.get(Txn.sender.bytes)
op.Box.replace(TALLY_BOX_KEY, index, op.itob(current_vote + 1))

See the voting contract example for a real-world example that uses box storage.

Scratch storage

To use stratch storage you need to register the scratch storage that you want to use and then you can use the scratch storage AVM ops.

For example:

from algopy import Bytes, Contract, UInt64, op, urange

TWO = 2

class MyContract(Contract, scratch_slots=(1, TWO, urange(3, TWENTY))):
    def approval_program(self) -> bool:, UInt64(5)), Bytes(b"Hello World"))

        for i in urange(3, 20):
  , i)

        assert op.Scratch.load_uint64(1) == UInt64(5)

        assert op.Scratch.load_bytes(2) == b"Hello World"

        assert op.Scratch.load_uint64(5) == UInt64(5)
        return True

    def clear_state_program(self) -> bool:
        return True