Data structures

In terms of data structures, Algorand Python currently provides support for composite data types and arrays.

In a restricted and costly computing environment such as a blockchain application, making the correct choice for data structures is crucial.

All ARC-4 data types are supported, and initially were the only choice of data structures in Algorand Python 1.0, other than statically sized native Python tuples. However, ARC-4 encoding is not an efficient encoding for mutations, additionally they were restricted in that they could only contain other ARC-4 types.

As of Algorand Python 2.7, two new array types were introduced algopy.Array, a mutable array type that supports statically sized native and ARC-4 elements and algopy.ImmutableArray that has an immutable API and supports dynamically sized native and ARC-4 elements.

Mutability vs Immutability

A value with an immutable type cannot be modified. Some examples are UInt64, Bytes, tuple and typing.NamedTuple.

Aggregate immutable types such as tuple or ImmutableArray provide a way to produce modified values, this is done by returning a copy of the original value with the specified changes applied e.g.

import typing
import algopy

# update a named tuple with _replace
class MyTuple(typing.NamedTuple):
    foo: algopy.UInt64
    bar: algopy.String
tup1 = MyTuple(foo=algopy.UInt64(12), bar=algopy.String("Hello"))
# this does not modify tup1
tup2 = tup1._replace(foo=algopy.UInt64(34))

assert !=

# update immutable array by appending and reassigning
arr = algopy.ImmutableArray[MyTuple]()
arr = arr.append(tup1)
arr = arr.append(tup2)

Mutable types allow direct modification of a value and all references to this value are able to observe the change e.g.

import algopy

# both my_arr and my_arr2 both point to the same array
my_arr = algopy.Array[algopy.UInt64]()
my_arr2 = my_arr

assert my_arr.length == 1
assert my_arr2.length == 1

assert my_arr2.length == 2
assert my_arr.length == 2

Static size vs Dynamic size

A static sized type is a type where its total size in memory is determinable at compile time, for example UInt64 is always 8 bytes of memory. Aggregate types such as tuple, typing.NamedTuple, arc4.Struct and arc4.Tuple are static size if all their members are also static size e.g. tuple[UInt64, UInt64] is static size as it contains two static sized members.

Any type where its size is not statically defined is dynamically sized e.g. Bytes, String, tuple[UInt64, String] and Array[UInt64] are all dynamically sized.

Algorand Python composite types


This is a regular python tuple

  • Immutable

  • Members can be of any type

  • Most useful as an anonymous type

  • Each member is stored on the stack


  • Immutable

  • Members can be of any type

  • Members are described by a field name and type

  • Modified copies can be made using ._replace

  • Each member is stored on the stack


  • Can only contain other ARC-4 types

  • Can be immutable if all members are also immutable

  • Requires .copy() when mutable and creating additional references

  • Encoded as a single ARC-4 value on the stack


  • Can only contain other ARC-4 types

  • Members are described by a field name and type

  • Can be immutable if using the frozen class option and all members are also immutable

  • Requires .copy() when mutable and creating additional references

  • Encoded as a single ARC-4 value on the stack

Algorand Python array types


  • Mutable, all references see modifications

  • Only supports static size immutable types. Note: Supporting mutable elements would have the potential to quickly exhaust scratch slots in a program so for this reason this type is limited to immutable elements only

  • May use scratch slots to store the data

  • Cannot be put in storage or used in ABI method signatures

  • An immutable copy can be made for storage or returning from a contract by using the freeze method e.g.

import algopy

class SomeContract(algopy.arc4.ARC4Contract):
    def get_array(self) -> algopy.ImmutableArray[algopy.UInt64]:
        arr = algopy.Array[algopy.UInt64]()
        # modify arr as required
        # return immutable copy
        return arr.freeze()


  • Immutable

  • Modifications are done by reassigning a modified copy of the original array

  • Supports all immutable types

  • Most efficient with static sized immutable types

  • Can be put in storage or used in ABI method signatures

  • Can be used to extend an algopy.Array to do modifications e.g.

import algopy

class SomeContract(algopy.arc4.ARC4Contract):

    def modify_array(self, imm_array: algopy.ImmutableArray[algopy.UInt64]) -> None:
        mutable_arr = algopy.Array[algopy.UInt64]()

algopy.arc4.DynamicArray / algopy.arc4.StaticArray

  • Supports only ARC-4 elements

  • Elements often require conversion to native types

  • Efficient for reading

  • Requires .copy() if making additional references to the array


  • Prefer immutable structures such as tuple or typing.NamedTuple for aggregate types as these support all types and do not require .copy()

  • If a function needs just a few values on a tuple it is more efficient to just pass those members rather than the whole tuple

  • Prefer static sized types rather than dynamically sized types in arrays as they are more efficient in terms of op budgets

  • Use algopy.Array when doing many mutations e.g. appending in a loop

  • Use algopy.Array.freeze to convert an array to algopy.ImmutableArray for storage

  • algopy.ImmutableArray can be used in storage and ABI methods, and will be viewed externally (i.e. in ARC-56 definitions) as the equivalent ARC-4 encoded type

  • algopy.ImmutableArray can be converted to algopy.Array by extending a new algopy.Array with an algopy.ImmutableArray