
Module Contents



Used to provide typed method signatures for ARC4 contracts


A contract that conforms to the ARC4 ABI specification, functions decorated with @abimethod or @baremethod will form the public interface of the contract


An alias for an array containing 32 bytes representing an Algorand address


An ARC4 UFixed representing a decimal with the number of bits and precision specified.


An ARC4 UInt consisting of the number of bits specified.


An ARC4 encoded bool


An ARC4 alias for a UInt8


A dynamically sized ARC4 Array of the specified type


A variable sized array of bytes


A fixed length ARC4 Array of the specified type and length


An ARC4 sequence of bytes containing a UTF8 string


Base class for ARC4 Struct types


An ARC4 ABI tuple, containing other ARC4 ABI types


An ARC4 UFixed representing a decimal with the number of bits and precision specified.


An ARC4 UInt consisting of the number of bits specified.



Decorator that indicates a method is an ARC4 ABI method.


Provides a typesafe and convenient way of creating an ARC4Contract via an inner transaction


Returns the ARC4 encoded method selector for the specified signature or abi method


Provides a typesafe and convenient way of updating an ARC4Contract via an inner transaction


Decorator that indicates a method is an ARC4 bare method.


Emit an ARC-28 event for the provided event signature or name, and provided args.



An ARC4 UInt128


An ARC4 UInt16


An ARC4 UInt256


An ARC4 UInt32


An ARC4 UInt512


An ARC4 UInt64


An ARC4 UInt8


Provides a typesafe way of calling ARC4 methods via an inner transaction


class algopy.arc4.ARC4Client

Used to provide typed method signatures for ARC4 contracts

class algopy.arc4.ARC4Contract

A contract that conforms to the ARC4 ABI specification, functions decorated with @abimethod or @baremethod will form the public interface of the contract

The approval_program will be implemented by the compiler, and route application args according to the ARC4 ABI specification

The clear_state_program will by default return True, but can be overridden

classmethod __init_subclass__(
name: str = ...,
scratch_slots: algopy.urange | tuple[int | algopy.urange, ...] | list[int | algopy.urange] = ...,
state_totals: algopy.StateTotals = ...,
avm_version: int = ...,

When declaring a Contract subclass, options and configuration are passed in the base class list:

class MyContract(algopy.Contract, name="CustomName"):
  • name

    Will affect the output TEAL file name if there are multiple non-abstract contracts in the same file.

    If the contract is a subclass of algopy.ARC4Contract, name will also be used as the contract name in the ARC-32 application.json, instead of the class name.

  • scratch_slots

    Allows you to mark a slot ID or range of slot IDs as “off limits” to Puya. These slot ID(s) will never be written to or otherwise manipulating by the compiler itself. This is particularly useful in combination with algopy.op.gload_bytes / algopy.op.gload_uint64 which lets a contract in a group transaction read from the scratch slots of another contract that occurs earlier in the transaction group.

    In the case of inheritance, scratch slots reserved become cumulative. It is not an error to have overlapping ranges or values either, so if a base class contract reserves slots 0-5 inclusive and the derived contract reserves 5-10 inclusive, then within the derived contract all slots 0-10 will be marked as reserved.

  • state_totals

    Allows defining what values should be used for global and local uint and bytes storage values when creating a contract. Used when outputting ARC-32 application.json schemas.

    If let unspecified, the totals will be determined by the compiler based on state variables assigned to self.

    This setting is not inherited, and only applies to the exact Contract it is specified on. If a base class does specify this setting, and a derived class does not, a warning will be emitted for the derived class. To resolve this warning, state_totals must be specified. Note that it is valid to not provide any arguments to the StateTotals constructor, like so state_totals=StateTotals(), in which case all values will be automatically calculated.

  • avm_version – Determines which AVM version to use, this affects what operations are supported. Defaults to value provided supplied on command line (which defaults to current mainnet version)

approval_program() bool

Represents the program called for all transactions where OnCompletion != ClearState

clear_state_program() algopy.UInt64 | bool

Represents the program called when OnCompletion == ClearState

class algopy.arc4.Address(value: algopy.Account | str | algopy.Bytes = ..., /)

An alias for an array containing 32 bytes representing an Algorand address


If value is a string, it should be a 58 character base32 string, ie a base32 string-encoded 32 bytes public key + 4 bytes checksum. If value is a Bytes, it’s length checked to be 32 bytes - to avoid this check, use Address.from_bytes(...) instead. Defaults to the zero-address.

__bool__() bool

Returns True if not equal to the zero address

__eq__(other: algopy.arc4.Address | algopy.Account | str) bool

Address equality is determined by the address of another arc4.Address, Account or str

__getitem__(index: algopy.UInt64 | int) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Gets the item of the array at provided index

__iter__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array

__ne__(other: algopy.arc4.Address | algopy.Account | str) bool

Address equality is determined by the address of another arc4.Address, Account or str

__reversed__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array, in reverse order

index: algopy.UInt64 | int,
value: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem,
) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Sets the item of the array at specified index to provided value

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

copy() Self

Create a copy of this array

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property length: algopy.UInt64

Returns the current length of the array

property native: algopy.Account

Return the Account representation of the address after ARC4 decoding

class algopy.arc4.BigUFixedNxM(value: str = '0.0', /)

An ARC4 UFixed representing a decimal with the number of bits and precision specified.

Max size: 512 bits


Construct an instance of UFixedNxM where value (v) is determined from the original decimal value (d) by the formula v = round(d * (10^M))

__bool__() bool

Returns True if not equal to zero

__eq__(other: Self) bool

Compare for equality, note both operands must be the exact same type

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

class algopy.arc4.BigUIntN(value: algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, /)

An ARC4 UInt consisting of the number of bits specified.

Max size: 512 bits


__bool__() bool

Returns True if not equal to zero

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self==value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self>=value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self>value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self<=value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self<value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self!=value.

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property native: algopy.BigUInt

Return the BigUInt representation of the value after ARC4 decoding

class algopy.arc4.Bool(value: bool = False, /)

An ARC4 encoded bool


__eq__(other: algopy.arc4.Bool | bool) bool

Return self==value.

__ne__(other: algopy.arc4.Bool | bool) bool

Return self!=value.

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property native: bool

Return the bool representation of the value after ARC4 decoding

class algopy.arc4.Byte(value: algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, /)

An ARC4 alias for a UInt8


__bool__() bool

Returns True if not equal to zero

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self==value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self>=value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self>value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self<=value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self<value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self!=value.

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property native: algopy.UInt64

Return the UInt64 representation of the value after ARC4 decoding

class algopy.arc4.DynamicArray(*items: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem)

A dynamically sized ARC4 Array of the specified type


Initializes a new array with items provided

) algopy.arc4.DynamicArray[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Concat two arrays together, returning a new array

__bool__() bool

Returns True if not an empty array

__getitem__(index: algopy.UInt64 | int) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Gets the item of the array at provided index

__iter__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array

__reversed__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array, in reverse order

index: algopy.UInt64 | int,
value: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem,
) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Sets the item of the array at specified index to provided value

append(item: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem, /) None

Append an item to this array

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

copy() Self

Create a copy of this array

extend(other:[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem], /) None

Extend this array with the contents of another array

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property length: algopy.UInt64

Returns the current length of the array

pop() algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Remove and return the last item of this array

class algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes

A variable sized array of bytes

) algopy.arc4.DynamicArray[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Concat two arrays together, returning a new array

__bool__() bool

Returns True if not an empty array

__getitem__(index: algopy.UInt64 | int) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Gets the item of the array at provided index

__iter__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array

__reversed__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array, in reverse order

index: algopy.UInt64 | int,
value: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem,
) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Sets the item of the array at specified index to provided value

append(item: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem, /) None

Append an item to this array

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

copy() Self

Create a copy of this array

extend(other:[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem], /) None

Extend this array with the contents of another array

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property length: algopy.UInt64

Returns the current length of the array

property native: algopy.Bytes

Return the Bytes representation of the address after ARC4 decoding

pop() algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Remove and return the last item of this array

class algopy.arc4.StaticArray

A fixed length ARC4 Array of the specified type and length

__getitem__(index: algopy.UInt64 | int) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Gets the item of the array at provided index

__iter__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array

__reversed__() Iterator[algopy.arc4._TArrayItem]

Returns an iterator for the items in the array, in reverse order

index: algopy.UInt64 | int,
value: algopy.arc4._TArrayItem,
) algopy.arc4._TArrayItem

Sets the item of the array at specified index to provided value

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

copy() Self

Create a copy of this array

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property length: algopy.UInt64

Returns the current length of the array

class algopy.arc4.String(value: algopy.String | str = '', /)

An ARC4 sequence of bytes containing a UTF8 string


__bool__() bool

Returns True if length is not zero

__eq__(other: algopy.arc4.String | algopy.String | str) bool

Return self==value.

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property native: algopy.String

Return the String representation of the UTF8 string after ARC4 decoding

class algopy.arc4.Struct

Base class for ARC4 Struct types

_replace(**kwargs: Any) Self

Return a new instance of the struct replacing specified fields with new values.

Note that any mutable fields must be explicitly copied to avoid aliasing.

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying bytes[]

copy() Self

Create a copy of this struct

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes[] (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

class algopy.arc4.Tuple(items: tuple[Unpack[algopy.arc4._TTuple]], /)

An ARC4 ABI tuple, containing other ARC4 ABI types


Construct an ARC4 tuple from a native Python tuple


Return self+value.


Return bool(key in self).


Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.


Default object formatter.

Return str(self) if format_spec is empty. Raise TypeError otherwise.


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self[key].


Helper for pickle.


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


Implement iter(self).


Return self<=value.


Return len(self).


Return self<value.


Return self*value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


Helper for pickle.


Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).


Return value*self.


Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

copy() Self

Create a copy of this tuple


Return number of occurrences of value.

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property native: tuple[Unpack[algopy.arc4._TTuple]]

Convert to a native Python tuple - note that the elements of the tuple should be considered to be copies of the original elements

class algopy.arc4.UFixedNxM(value: str = '0.0', /)

An ARC4 UFixed representing a decimal with the number of bits and precision specified.

Max size: 64 bits


Construct an instance of UFixedNxM where value (v) is determined from the original decimal value (d) by the formula v = round(d * (10^M))

__bool__() bool

Returns True if not equal to zero

__eq__(other: Self) bool

Compare for equality, note both operands must be the exact same type

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

algopy.arc4.UInt128: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt128

algopy.arc4.UInt16: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt16

algopy.arc4.UInt256: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt256

algopy.arc4.UInt32: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt32

algopy.arc4.UInt512: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt512

algopy.arc4.UInt64: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt64

algopy.arc4.UInt8: TypeAlias


An ARC4 UInt8

class algopy.arc4.UIntN(value: algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, /)

An ARC4 UInt consisting of the number of bits specified.

Max Size: 64 bits


__bool__() bool

Returns True if not equal to zero

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self==value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self>=value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self>value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self<=value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self<value.

other: algopy.arc4.UIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.arc4.BigUIntN[algopy.arc4._TBitSize] | algopy.UInt64 | algopy.BigUInt | int,
) bool

Return self!=value.

property bytes: algopy.Bytes

Get the underlying Bytes

classmethod from_bytes(value: algopy.Bytes | bytes, /) Self

Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation)

classmethod from_log(log: algopy.Bytes, /) Self

Load an ABI type from application logs, checking for the ABI return prefix 0x151f7c75

property native: algopy.UInt64

Return the UInt64 representation of the value after ARC4 decoding

algopy.arc4.abi_call: algopy.arc4._ABICallProtocolType


Provides a typesafe way of calling ARC4 methods via an inner transaction

def abi_call(
    method: Callable[..., _TABIResult_co] | str,
    *args: object,
    app_id: algopy.Application | algopy.UInt64 | int = ...,
    on_completion: algopy.OnCompleteAction = ...,
    approval_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, ...] = ...,
    clear_state_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, ...] = ...,
    global_num_uint: UInt64 | int = ...,
    global_num_bytes: UInt64 | int = ...,
    local_num_uint: UInt64 | int = ...,
    local_num_bytes: UInt64 | int = ...,
    extra_program_pages: UInt64 | int = ...,
    fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0,
    sender: algopy.Account | str = ...,
    note: algopy.Bytes | algopy.String | bytes | str = ...,
    rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = ...,
) -> tuple[_TABIResult_co, algopy.itxn.ApplicationCallInnerTransaction]: ...


method: The name, method selector or Algorand Python method to call
app_id: Application to call, if 0 or not specified will create a new application
on_completion: OnCompleteAction value for the transaction. If not specified will be inferred from Algorand Python method where possible
approval_program: When creating or updating an application, the approval program
clear_state_program: When creating or updating an application, the clear state program
global_num_uint: When creating an application the number of global uints
global_num_bytes: When creating an application the number of global bytes
local_num_uint: When creating an application the number of local uints
local_num_bytes: When creating an application the number of local bytes
extra_program_pages: When creating an application the The number of extra program pages
fee: The fee to pay for the transaction, defaults to 0
sender: The sender address for the transaction
note: Note to include with the transaction
rekey_to: Account to rekey to

If method references an Algorand Contract / Client or the function is indexed with a return type, then the result is a tuple containing the ABI result and the inner transaction of the call.

If no return type is specified, or the method does not have a return value then the result is the inner transaction of the call.


# can reference another algopy contract method
result, txn = abi_call(HelloWorldContract.hello, arc4.String("World"), app=...)
assert result == "Hello, World"

# can reference a method selector
result, txn = abi_call[arc4.String]("hello(string)string", arc4.String("Algo"), app=...)
assert result == "Hello, Algo"

# can reference a method name, the method selector is inferred from arguments and return type
result, txn = abi_call[arc4.String]("hello", "There", app=...)
assert result == "Hello, There"

# calling a method without a return value
txn = abi_call(HelloWorldContract.no_return, arc4.String("World"), app=...)
name: str = ...,
create: Literal[allow, require, disallow] = 'disallow',
allow_actions:[algopy.OnCompleteAction | Literal[NoOp, OptIn, CloseOut, UpdateApplication, DeleteApplication]] = ('NoOp',),
readonly: bool = False,
default_args:[str, str | algopy.arc4._ReadOnlyNoArgsMethod | object] = ...,
)[[[algopy.arc4._P, algopy.arc4._R]],[algopy.arc4._P, algopy.arc4._R]]

Decorator that indicates a method is an ARC4 ABI method.

  • name – Name component of the ABI method selector. Defaults to using the function name.

  • create – Controls the validation of the Application ID. “require” means it must be zero, “disallow” requires it must be non-zero, and “allow” disables the validation.

  • allow_actions – A sequence of allowed On-Completion Actions to validate against.

  • readonly – If True, then this method can be used via dry-run / simulate.

  • default_args – Default argument sources for clients to use. For dynamic defaults, this can be the name of, or reference to a method member, or the name of a storage member. For static defaults, this can be any expression which evaluates to a compile time constant of the exact same type as the parameter.

method:[algopy.arc4._P, algopy.arc4._TABIResult_co],
*args: object,
compiled: algopy.CompiledContract = ...,
on_completion: algopy.OnCompleteAction = ...,
fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0,
sender: algopy.Account | str = ...,
note: algopy.Bytes | bytes | str = ...,
rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = ...,
) tuple[algopy.arc4._TABIResult_co, algopy.itxn.ApplicationCallInnerTransaction]

Provides a typesafe and convenient way of creating an ARC4Contract via an inner transaction

  • method – An ARC4 create method (ABI or bare), or an ARC4Contract with a single create method

  • args – ABI args for chosen method

  • compiled – If supplied will be used to specify transaction parameters required for creation, can be omitted if template variables are not used

  • on_completion – OnCompleteAction value for the transaction If not specified will be inferred from Algorand Python method where possible

  • fee – The fee to pay for the transaction, defaults to 0

  • sender – The sender address for the transaction

  • note – Note to include with the transaction

  • rekey_to – Account to rekey to

signature: str |[algopy.arc4._P, algopy.arc4._R],
) algopy.Bytes

Returns the ARC4 encoded method selector for the specified signature or abi method

method:[algopy.arc4._P, algopy.arc4._TABIResult_co],
*args: object,
app_id: algopy.Application | algopy.UInt64 | int,
compiled: algopy.CompiledContract = ...,
fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0,
sender: algopy.Account | str = ...,
note: algopy.Bytes | bytes | str = ...,
rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = ...,
) tuple[algopy.arc4._TABIResult_co, algopy.itxn.ApplicationCallInnerTransaction]

Provides a typesafe and convenient way of updating an ARC4Contract via an inner transaction

  • method – An ARC4 update method (ABI or bare), or an ARC4Contract with a single update method

  • args – ABI args for chosen method

  • app_id – Application to update

  • compiled – If supplied will be used to specify transaction parameters required for updating, can be omitted if template variables are not used

  • fee – The fee to pay for the transaction, defaults to 0

  • sender – The sender address for the transaction

  • note – Note to include with the transaction

  • rekey_to – Account to rekey to

create: Literal[allow, require, disallow] = 'disallow',
allow_actions:[algopy.OnCompleteAction | Literal[NoOp, OptIn, CloseOut, UpdateApplication, DeleteApplication]] = ...,
)[[[[algopy.arc4._TARC4Contract], None]],[[algopy.arc4._TARC4Contract], None]]

Decorator that indicates a method is an ARC4 bare method.

There can be only one bare method on a contract for each given On-Completion Action.

  • create – Controls the validation of the Application ID. “require” means it must be zero, “disallow” requires it must be non-zero, and “allow” disables the validation.

  • allow_actions – Which On-Completion Action(s) to handle.

algopy.arc4.emit(event: str | algopy.arc4.Struct, /, *args: object) None

Emit an ARC-28 event for the provided event signature or name, and provided args.

  • event

    Either an ARC4 Struct, an event name, or event signature.

    • If event is an ARC4 Struct, the event signature will be determined from the Struct name and fields

    • If event is a signature, then the following args will be typed checked to ensure they match.

    • If event is just a name, the event signature will be inferred from the name and following arguments

  • args – When event is a signature or name, args will be used as the event data. They will all be encoded as single ARC4 Tuple


from algopy import ARC4Contract, arc4

class Swapped(arc4.Struct):
    a: arc4.UInt64
    b: arc4.UInt64

class EventEmitter(ARC4Contract):
    def emit_swapped(self, a: arc4.UInt64, b: arc4.UInt64) -> None:
        arc4.emit(Swapped(b, a))
        arc4.emit("Swapped(uint64,uint64)", b, a)
        arc4.emit("Swapped", b, a)