Compiling to AVM bytecode

The PuyaPy compiler can compile Algorand Python smart contracts directly into AVM bytecode. Once compiled, this bytecode can be utilized to construct AVM Application Call transactions both on and off chain.

Outputting AVM bytecode from CLI

The --output-bytecode option can be used to generate .bin files for smart contracts and logic signatures, producing an approval and clear program for each smart contract.

Obtaining bytecode within other contracts

The compile_contract function takes an Algorand Python smart contract class and returns a CompiledContract, The global state, local state and program pages allocation parameters are derived from the contract by default, but can be overridden. This compiled contract can then be used to create an algopy.itxn.ApplicationCall transaction or used with the ARC4 functions.

The compile_logicsig takes an Algorand Python logic signature and returns a CompiledLogicSig, which can be used to verify if a transaction has been signed by a particular logic signature.

Template variables

Algorand Python supports defining algopy.TemplateVar variables that can be substituted during compilation.

For example, the following contract has UInt64 and Bytes template variables.
from algopy import ARC4Contract, Bytes, TemplateVar, UInt64, arc4

class TemplatedContract(ARC4Contract):

    def my_method(self) -> UInt64:
        return TemplateVar[UInt64]("SOME_UINT")

    def my_other_method(self) -> Bytes:
        return TemplateVar[Bytes]("SOME_BYTES")

When compiling to bytecode, the values for these template variables must be provided. These values can be provided via the CLI, or through the template_vars parameter of the compile_contract and compile_logicsig functions.


The --template-var option can be used to define each variable.

For example to provide the values for the above example contract the following command could be used puyapy --template-var SOME_UINT=123 --template-var SOME_BYTES=0xABCD

Within other contracts

The functions compile_contract and compile_logicsig both have an optional template_vars parameter which can be used to define template variables. Variables defined in this manner take priority over variables defined on the CLI.

from algopy import Bytes, UInt64, arc4, compile_contract, subroutine

from templated_contract import TemplatedContract

def create_templated_contract() -> None:
    compiled = compile_contract(
        global_uints=2, # customize allocated global uints
        template_vars={ # provide template vars
            "SOME_UINT": UInt64(123),
            "SOME_BYTES": Bytes(b"\xAB\xCD")
    arc4.arc4_create(TemplatedContract, compiled=compiled)