ARC4 Types

These types are available under the algopy.arc4 namespace. Refer to the ARC4 specification for more details on the spec.


Test context manager provides value generators for ARC4 types. To access their value generators, use {context_instance}.any.arc4 property. See more examples below.


For all algopy.arc4 types with and without respective value generator, instantiation can be performed directly. If you have a suggestion for a new value generator implementation, please open an issue in the algorand-python-testing repository or contribute by following the contribution guide.

Unsigned Integers

from algopy import arc4

# Integer types
uint8_value = arc4.UInt8(255)
uint16_value = arc4.UInt16(65535)
uint32_value = arc4.UInt32(4294967295)
uint64_value = arc4.UInt64(18446744073709551615)

... # instantiate test context
# Generate a random unsigned arc4 integer with default range
uint8 = context.any.arc4.uint8()
uint16 = context.any.arc4.uint16()
uint32 = context.any.arc4.uint32()
uint64 = context.any.arc4.uint64()
biguint128 = context.any.arc4.biguint128()
biguint256 = context.any.arc4.biguint256()
biguint512 = context.any.arc4.biguint512()

# Generate a random unsigned arc4 integer with specified range
uint8_custom = context.any.arc4.uint8(min_value=10, max_value=100)
uint16_custom = context.any.arc4.uint16(min_value=1000, max_value=5000)
uint32_custom = context.any.arc4.uint32(min_value=100000, max_value=1000000)
uint64_custom = context.any.arc4.uint64(min_value=1000000000, max_value=10000000000)
biguint128_custom = context.any.arc4.biguint128(min_value=1000000000000000, max_value=10000000000000000)
biguint256_custom = context.any.arc4.biguint256(min_value=1000000000000000000000000, max_value=10000000000000000000000000)
biguint512_custom = context.any.arc4.biguint512(min_value=10000000000000000000000000000000000, max_value=10000000000000000000000000000000000)


from algopy import arc4

# Address type

# Generate a random address
random_address = context.any.arc4.address()

# Access native underlaying type
native = random_address.native

Dynamic Bytes

from algopy import arc4

# Dynamic byte string
bytes_value = arc4.DynamicBytes(b"Hello, Algorand!")

# Generate random dynamic bytes
random_dynamic_bytes = context.any.arc4.dynamic_bytes(n=123) # n is the number of bits in the arc4 dynamic bytes


from algopy import arc4

# UTF-8 encoded string
string_value = arc4.String("Hello, Algorand!")

# Generate random string
random_string = context.any.arc4.string(n=12) # n is the number of bits in the arc4 string