# ARC4 Types These types are available under the `algopy.arc4` namespace. Refer to the [ARC4 specification](https://arc.algorand.foundation/ARCs/arc-0004) for more details on the spec. ```{hint} Test context manager provides _value generators_ for ARC4 types. To access their _value generators_, use `{context_instance}.any.arc4` property. See more examples below. ``` ```{note} For all `algopy.arc4` types with and without respective _value generator_, instantiation can be performed directly. If you have a suggestion for a new _value generator_ implementation, please open an issue in the [`algorand-python-testing`](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/algorand-python-testing) repository or contribute by following the [contribution guide](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/algorand-python-testing/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). ``` ```{testsetup} import algopy from algopy_testing import algopy_testing_context # Create the context manager for snippets below ctx_manager = algopy_testing_context() # Enter the context context = ctx_manager.__enter__() ``` ## Unsigned Integers ```{testcode} from algopy import arc4 # Integer types uint8_value = arc4.UInt8(255) uint16_value = arc4.UInt16(65535) uint32_value = arc4.UInt32(4294967295) uint64_value = arc4.UInt64(18446744073709551615) ... # instantiate test context # Generate a random unsigned arc4 integer with default range uint8 = context.any.arc4.uint8() uint16 = context.any.arc4.uint16() uint32 = context.any.arc4.uint32() uint64 = context.any.arc4.uint64() biguint128 = context.any.arc4.biguint128() biguint256 = context.any.arc4.biguint256() biguint512 = context.any.arc4.biguint512() # Generate a random unsigned arc4 integer with specified range uint8_custom = context.any.arc4.uint8(min_value=10, max_value=100) uint16_custom = context.any.arc4.uint16(min_value=1000, max_value=5000) uint32_custom = context.any.arc4.uint32(min_value=100000, max_value=1000000) uint64_custom = context.any.arc4.uint64(min_value=1000000000, max_value=10000000000) biguint128_custom = context.any.arc4.biguint128(min_value=1000000000000000, max_value=10000000000000000) biguint256_custom = context.any.arc4.biguint256(min_value=1000000000000000000000000, max_value=10000000000000000000000000) biguint512_custom = context.any.arc4.biguint512(min_value=10000000000000000000000000000000000, max_value=10000000000000000000000000000000000) ``` ## Address ```{testcode} from algopy import arc4 # Address type address_value = arc4.Address("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY5HFKQ") # Generate a random address random_address = context.any.arc4.address() # Access native underlaying type native = random_address.native ``` ## Dynamic Bytes ```{testcode} from algopy import arc4 # Dynamic byte string bytes_value = arc4.DynamicBytes(b"Hello, Algorand!") # Generate random dynamic bytes random_dynamic_bytes = context.any.arc4.dynamic_bytes(n=123) # n is the number of bits in the arc4 dynamic bytes ``` ## String ```{testcode} from algopy import arc4 # UTF-8 encoded string string_value = arc4.String("Hello, Algorand!") # Generate random string random_string = context.any.arc4.string(n=12) # n is the number of bits in the arc4 string ``` ```{testcleanup} ctx_manager.__exit__(None, None, None) ```