Smart Signature Testing

Test Algorand smart signatures (LogicSigs) with ease using the Algorand Python Testing framework.

Define a LogicSig

Use the @logicsig decorator to create a LogicSig:

from algopy import logicsig, Account, Txn, Global, UInt64, Bytes

def hashed_time_locked_lsig() -> bool:
    # LogicSig code here
    return True  # Approve transaction

Execute and Test

Use AlgopyTestContext.execute_logicsig() to run and verify LogicSigs:

with context.txn.create_group([
    result = context.execute_logicsig(hashed_time_locked_lsig, algopy.Bytes(b"secret"))

assert result is True

execute_logicsig() returns a boolean:

  • True: Transaction approved

  • False: Transaction rejected

Pass Arguments

Provide arguments to LogicSigs using execute_logicsig():

result = context.execute_logicsig(hashed_time_locked_lsig, algopy.Bytes(b"secret"))

Access arguments in the LogicSig with algopy.op.arg() opcode:

def hashed_time_locked_lsig() -> bool:
    secret = algopy.op.arg(0)
    expected_hash = algopy.op.sha256(algopy.Bytes(b"secret"))
    return algopy.op.sha256(secret) == expected_hash

# Example usage
secret = algopy.Bytes(b"secret")
assert context.execute_logicsig(hashed_time_locked_lsig, secret)

For more details on available operations, see the coverage.