State Management

algorand-python-testing provides tools to test state-related abstractions in Algorand smart contracts. This guide covers global state, local state, boxes, and scratch space management.

Global State

Global state is represented as instance attributes on algopy.Contract and algopy.ARC4Contract classes.

class MyContract(algopy.ARC4Contract):
    def __init__(self):
        self.state_a = algopy.GlobalState(algopy.UInt64, key="global_uint64")
        self.state_b = algopy.UInt64(1)

# In your test
contract = MyContract()
contract.state_a.value = algopy.UInt64(10)
contract.state_b.value = algopy.UInt64(20)

Local State

Local state is defined similarly to global state, but accessed using account addresses as keys.

class MyContract(algopy.ARC4Contract):
    def __init__(self):
        self.local_state_a = algopy.LocalState(algopy.UInt64, key="state_a")

# In your test
contract = MyContract()
account = context.any.account()
contract.local_state_a[account] = algopy.UInt64(10)


The framework supports various Box abstractions available in algorand-python.

class MyContract(algopy.ARC4Contract):
    def __init__(self):
        self.box_map = algopy.BoxMap(algopy.Bytes, algopy.UInt64)

    def some_method(self, key_a: algopy.Bytes, key_b: algopy.Bytes, key_c: algopy.Bytes) -> None: = algopy.Box(algopy.UInt64, key=key_a) = algopy.UInt64(1)
        self.box_map[key_b] = algopy.UInt64(1)
        self.box_map[key_c] = algopy.UInt64(2)

# In your test
contract = MyContract()
key_a = b"key_a"
key_b = b"key_b"
key_c = b"key_c"

contract.some_method(algopy.Bytes(key_a), algopy.Bytes(key_b), algopy.Bytes(key_c))

# Access boxes
box_content = context.ledger.get_box(contract, key_a)
assert context.ledger.box_exists(contract, key_a)

# Set box content manually
with context.txn.create_group():
    context.ledger.set_box(contract, key_a, algopy.op.itob(algopy.UInt64(1)))

Scratch Space

Scratch space is represented as a list of 256 slots for each transaction.

class MyContract(algopy.Contract, scratch_slots=(1, 2, algopy.urange(3, 20))):
    def approval_program(self):, algopy.UInt64(5))
        assert algopy.op.Scratch.load_uint64(1) == algopy.UInt64(5)
        return True

# In your test
contract = MyContract()
result = contract.approval_program()

assert result
scratch_space = context.txn.last_group.get_scratch_space()
assert scratch_space[1] == algopy.UInt64(5)

For more detailed information, explore the example contracts in the examples/ directory, the coverage page, and the API documentation.