


Represents a field in a struct type.


Enum representing different call types for application transactions.


Enum representing different create types for application transactions.


Represents bare call and create actions for an application.


Represents the approval and clear program bytecode.


Enum representing different compiler types.


Represents compiler version information.


Information about the compiler used.


Network-specific application information.


Information about scratch space variables.


Source code for approval and clear programs.


Global state schema.


Local state schema.


Application state schema.


Template variable information.


Event argument information.


Event information.


Method actions information.


Default value information for method arguments.


Method argument information.


Box storage requirements.


Method execution recommendations.


Method return information.


Method information.


PC offset method types.


Source code location information.


Storage key information.


Storage map information.


Storage keys for different storage types.


Storage maps for different storage types.


Application state information.


Program source information.


Source information for approval and clear programs.


ARC-0056 application specification.

Module Contents

class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.StructField

Represents a field in a struct type.

name: str

The name of the struct field

type: list[StructField] | str

The type of the struct field, either a string or list of StructFields

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) StructField
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.CallEnum

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum representing different call types for application transactions.

CLEAR_STATE = 'ClearState'
CLOSE_OUT = 'CloseOut'
DELETE_APPLICATION = 'DeleteApplication'
NO_OP = 'NoOp'
OPT_IN = 'OptIn'
UPDATE_APPLICATION = 'UpdateApplication'
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.CreateEnum

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum representing different create types for application transactions.

DELETE_APPLICATION = 'DeleteApplication'
NO_OP = 'NoOp'
OPT_IN = 'OptIn'
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.BareActions

Represents bare call and create actions for an application.

call: list[CallEnum]

The list of allowed call actions

create: list[CreateEnum]

The list of allowed create actions

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) BareActions
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.ByteCode

Represents the approval and clear program bytecode.

approval: str

The base64 encoded approval program bytecode

clear: str

The base64 encoded clear program bytecode

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) ByteCode
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Compiler

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum representing different compiler types.

ALGOD = 'algod'
PUYA = 'puya'
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.CompilerVersion

Represents compiler version information.

commit_hash: str | None = None

The git commit hash of the compiler

major: int | None = None

The major version number

minor: int | None = None

The minor version number

patch: int | None = None

The patch version number

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) CompilerVersion
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.CompilerInfo

Information about the compiler used.

compiler: Compiler

The type of compiler used

compiler_version: CompilerVersion

Version information for the compiler

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) CompilerInfo
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Network

Network-specific application information.

app_id: int

The application ID on the network

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Network
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.ScratchVariables

Information about scratch space variables.

slot: int

The scratch slot number

type: str

The type of the scratch variable

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) ScratchVariables
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Source

Source code for approval and clear programs.

approval: str

The base64 encoded approval program source

clear: str

The base64 encoded clear program source

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Source
get_decoded_approval() str

Get decoded approval program source.


Decoded approval program source code

get_decoded_clear() str

Get decoded clear program source.


Decoded clear program source code

class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Global

Global state schema.

bytes: int

The number of byte slices in global state

ints: int

The number of integers in global state

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Global
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Local

Local state schema.

bytes: int

The number of byte slices in local state

ints: int

The number of integers in local state

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Local
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Schema

Application state schema.

global_state: Global

The global state schema

local_state: Local

The local state schema

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Schema
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.TemplateVariables

Template variable information.

type: str

The type of the template variable

value: str | None = None

The optional value of the template variable

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) TemplateVariables
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.EventArg

Event argument information.

type: str

The type of the event argument

desc: str | None = None

The optional description of the argument

name: str | None = None

The optional name of the argument

struct: str | None = None

The optional struct type name

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) EventArg
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Event

Event information.

args: list[EventArg]

The list of event arguments

name: str

The name of the event

desc: str | None = None

The optional description of the event

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Event
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Actions

Method actions information.

call: list[CallEnum] | None = None

The optional list of allowed call actions

create: list[CreateEnum] | None = None

The optional list of allowed create actions

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Actions
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.DefaultValue

Default value information for method arguments.

data: str

The default value data

source: Literal['box', 'global', 'local', 'literal', 'method']

The source of the default value

type: str | None = None

The optional type of the default value

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) DefaultValue
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.MethodArg

Method argument information.

type: str

The type of the argument

default_value: DefaultValue | None = None

The optional default value

desc: str | None = None

The optional description

name: str | None = None

The optional name

struct: str | None = None

The optional struct type name

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) MethodArg
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Boxes

Box storage requirements.

key: str

The box key

read_bytes: int

The number of bytes to read

write_bytes: int

The number of bytes to write

app: int | None = None

The optional application ID

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Boxes
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Recommendations

Method execution recommendations.

accounts: list[str] | None = None

The optional list of accounts

apps: list[int] | None = None

The optional list of applications

assets: list[int] | None = None

The optional list of assets

boxes: Boxes | None = None

The optional box storage requirements

inner_transaction_count: int | None = None

The optional inner transaction count

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Recommendations
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Returns

Method return information.

type: str

The type of the return value

desc: str | None = None

The optional description

struct: str | None = None

The optional struct type name

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Returns
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Method

Method information.

actions: Actions

The allowed actions

args: list[MethodArg]

The method arguments

name: str

The method name

returns: Returns

The return information

desc: str | None = None

The optional description

events: list[Event] | None = None

The optional list of events

readonly: bool | None = None

The optional readonly flag

recommendations: Recommendations | None = None

The optional execution recommendations

to_abi_method() algosdk.abi.Method

Convert to ABI method.


ValueError – If underlying ABI method is not initialized


ABI method

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Method
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.PcOffsetMethod

Bases: str, enum.Enum

PC offset method types.

CBLOCKS = 'cblocks'
NONE = 'none'
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.SourceInfo

Source code location information.

pc: list[int]

The list of program counter values

error_message: str | None = None

The optional error message

source: str | None = None

The optional source code

teal: int | None = None

The optional TEAL version

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) SourceInfo
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.StorageKey

Storage key information.

key: str

The storage key

key_type: str

The type of the key

value_type: str

The type of the value

desc: str | None = None

The optional description

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) StorageKey
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.StorageMap

Storage map information.

key_type: str

The type of the map keys

value_type: str

The type of the map values

desc: str | None = None

The optional description

prefix: str | None = None

The optional key prefix

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) StorageMap
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Keys

Storage keys for different storage types.

box: dict[str, StorageKey]

The box storage keys

global_state: dict[str, StorageKey]

The global state storage keys

local_state: dict[str, StorageKey]

The local state storage keys

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Keys
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Maps

Storage maps for different storage types.

box: dict[str, StorageMap]

The box storage maps

global_state: dict[str, StorageMap]

The global state storage maps

local_state: dict[str, StorageMap]

The local state storage maps

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Maps
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.State

Application state information.

keys: Keys

The storage keys

maps: Maps

The storage maps

schema: Schema

The state schema

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) State
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.ProgramSourceInfo

Program source information.

pc_offset_method: PcOffsetMethod

The PC offset method

source_info: list[SourceInfo]

The list of source info entries

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) ProgramSourceInfo
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.SourceInfoModel

Source information for approval and clear programs.

approval: ProgramSourceInfo

The approval program source info

clear: ProgramSourceInfo

The clear program source info

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) SourceInfoModel
class algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Arc56Contract

ARC-0056 application specification.


arcs: list[int]

The list of supported ARC version numbers

bare_actions: BareActions

The bare call and create actions

methods: list[Method]

The list of contract methods

name: str

The contract name

state: State

The contract state information

structs: dict[str, list[StructField]]

The contract struct definitions

byte_code: ByteCode | None = None

The optional bytecode for approval and clear programs

compiler_info: CompilerInfo | None = None

The optional compiler information

desc: str | None = None

The optional contract description

events: list[Event] | None = None

The optional list of contract events

networks: dict[str, Network] | None = None

The optional network deployment information

scratch_variables: dict[str, ScratchVariables] | None = None

The optional scratch variable information

source: Source | None = None

The optional source code

source_info: SourceInfoModel | None = None

The optional source code information

template_variables: dict[str, TemplateVariables] | None = None

The optional template variable information

static from_dict(application_spec: dict) Arc56Contract

Create Arc56Contract from dictionary.


application_spec – Dictionary containing contract specification


Arc56Contract instance

static from_json(application_spec: str) Arc56Contract
static from_arc32(arc32_application_spec: str | algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc32.Arc32Contract) Arc56Contract
static get_abi_struct_from_abi_tuple(decoded_tuple: Any, struct_fields: list[StructField], structs: dict[str, list[StructField]]) dict[str, Any]
to_json(indent: int | None = None) str
dictify() dict
get_arc56_method(method_name_or_signature: str) Method