Parameters for creating application with bare call. |
Parameters for creating application with method call |
Base class for transaction results. |
Result of an application transaction. |
Result of updating an application. |
Result of creating a new application. |
Result from deploying an application via AppFactory |
ARC-56/ARC-32 app factory that, for a given app spec, allows you to create |
Module Contents¶
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.AppFactoryParams¶
- algorand: algokit_utils.algorand.AlgorandClient¶
- app_spec: algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Arc56Contract | algokit_utils._legacy_v2.application_specification.ApplicationSpecification | str¶
- app_name: str | None = None¶
- default_sender: str | None = None¶
- default_signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None = None¶
- version: str | None = None¶
- compilation_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientCompilationParams | None = None¶
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.AppFactoryCreateParams¶
Parameters for creating application with bare call.
- on_complete: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.CreateOnComplete | None = None¶
Optional on complete action
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.AppFactoryCreateMethodCallParams¶
Parameters for creating application with method call
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.AppFactoryCreateMethodCallResult¶
]Base class for transaction results.
Represents the result of sending a single transaction.
- app_id: int¶
- app_address: str¶
- compiled_approval: Any | None = None¶
- compiled_clear: Any | None = None¶
- abi_return: ABIReturnT | None = None¶
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.SendAppFactoryTransactionResult¶
]Result of an application transaction.
Contains the ABI return value if applicable.
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.SendAppUpdateFactoryTransactionResult¶
]Result of updating an application.
Contains the compiled approval and clear programs.
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.SendAppCreateFactoryTransactionResult¶
]Result of creating a new application.
Contains the app ID and address of the newly created application.
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.AppFactoryDeployResult¶
Result from deploying an application via AppFactory
- app: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.ApplicationMetaData¶
The application metadata
- operation_performed: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.OperationPerformed¶
The operation performed
- create_result: SendAppCreateFactoryTransactionResult | None = None¶
The create result
- update_result: SendAppUpdateFactoryTransactionResult | None = None¶
The update result
- delete_result: SendAppFactoryTransactionResult | None = None¶
The delete result
- classmethod from_deploy_result(response: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.AppDeployResult, deploy_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.AppDeployParams, app_spec: algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Arc56Contract, app_compilation_data: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientCompilationResult | None = None) typing_extensions.Self ¶
Construct an AppFactoryDeployResult from a deployment result.
- Parameters:
response – The deployment response.
deploy_params – The deployment parameters.
app_spec – The application specification.
app_compilation_data – Optional app compilation data.
- Returns:
An instance of AppFactoryDeployResult.
- class algokit_utils.applications.app_factory.AppFactory(params: AppFactoryParams)¶
ARC-56/ARC-32 app factory that, for a given app spec, allows you to create and deploy one or more app instances and to create one or more app clients to interact with those (or other) app instances.
- Parameters:
params – The parameters for the factory
- Example:
>>> factory = AppFactory(AppFactoryParams( >>> algorand=AlgorandClient.mainnet(), >>> app_spec=app_spec, >>> ) >>> )
- property app_name: str¶
The name of the app
- property app_spec: algokit_utils.applications.app_spec.arc56.Arc56Contract¶
The app spec
- property algorand: algokit_utils.algorand.AlgorandClient¶
The algorand client
- property params: _MethodParamsBuilder¶
Get parameters to create transactions (create and deploy related calls) for the current app.
A good mental model for this is that these parameters represent a deferred transaction creation.
- Example:
Create a transaction in the future using Algorand Client >>> create_app_params = app_factory.params.create( … AppFactoryCreateMethodCallParams( … method=’create_method’, … args=[123, ‘hello’] … ) … ) >>> # … >>> algorand.send.app_create_method_call(create_app_params)
- Example:
Define a nested transaction as an ABI argument >>> create_app_params = appFactory.params.create( … AppFactoryCreateMethodCallParams( … method=’create_method’, … args=[123, ‘hello’] … ) … ) >>> … AppClientMethodCallParams( … method=’my_method’, … args=[create_app_params] … ) … )
- property send: _TransactionSender¶
Get the transaction sender.
- Returns:
The _TransactionSender instance.
- property create_transaction: _TransactionCreator¶
Get the transaction creator.
- Returns:
The _TransactionCreator instance.
- deploy(*, on_update: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.OnUpdate | None = None, on_schema_break: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.OnSchemaBreak | None = None, create_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientMethodCallCreateParams | algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientBareCallCreateParams | None = None, update_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientMethodCallParams | algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientBareCallParams | None = None, delete_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientMethodCallParams | algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientBareCallParams | None = None, existing_deployments: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.ApplicationLookup | None = None, ignore_cache: bool = False, app_name: str | None = None, send_params: algokit_utils.models.transaction.SendParams | None = None, compilation_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientCompilationParams | None = None) tuple[algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClient, AppFactoryDeployResult] ¶
Idempotently deploy (create if not exists, update if changed) an app against the given name for the given creator account, including deploy-time TEAL template placeholder substitutions (if specified).
Note: When using the return from this function be sure to check operationPerformed to get access to various return properties like transaction, confirmation and deleteResult.
Note: if there is a breaking state schema change to an existing app (and onSchemaBreak is set to ‘replace’) the existing app will be deleted and re-created.
Note: if there is an update (different TEAL code) to an existing app (and onUpdate is set to ‘replace’) the existing app will be deleted and re-created.
- Parameters:
on_update – The action to take if there is an update to the app
on_schema_break – The action to take if there is a breaking state schema change to the app
create_params – The arguments to create the app
update_params – The arguments to update the app
delete_params – The arguments to delete the app
existing_deployments – The existing deployments to use
ignore_cache – Whether to ignore the cache
app_name – The name of the app
send_params – The parameters for the send call
compilation_params – The parameters for the compilation
- Returns:
The app client and the result of the deployment
- Example:
>>> app_client, result = factory.deploy({ >>> create_params=AppClientMethodCallCreateParams( >>> sender='SENDER_ADDRESS', >>> approval_program='APPROVAL PROGRAM', >>> clear_state_program='CLEAR PROGRAM', >>> schema={ >>> "global_byte_slices": 0, >>> "global_ints": 0, >>> "local_byte_slices": 0, >>> "local_ints": 0 >>> } >>> ), >>> update_params=AppClientMethodCallParams( >>> sender='SENDER_ADDRESS' >>> ), >>> delete_params=AppClientMethodCallParams( >>> sender='SENDER_ADDRESS' >>> ), >>> compilation_params=AppClientCompilationParams( >>> updatable=False, >>> deletable=False >>> ), >>> app_name='my_app', >>> on_schema_break=OnSchemaBreak.AppendApp, >>> on_update=OnUpdate.AppendApp >>> })
- get_app_client_by_id(app_id: int, app_name: str | None = None, default_sender: str | None = None, default_signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None = None, approval_source_map: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None = None, clear_source_map: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None = None) algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClient ¶
Returns a new AppClient client for an app instance of the given ID.
- Parameters:
app_id – The id of the app
app_name – The name of the app
default_sender – The default sender address
default_signer – The default signer
approval_source_map – The approval source map
clear_source_map – The clear source map
- Return AppClient:
The app client
- Example:
>>> app_client = factory.get_app_client_by_id(app_id=123)
- get_app_client_by_creator_and_name(creator_address: str, app_name: str, default_sender: str | None = None, default_signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None = None, ignore_cache: bool | None = None, app_lookup_cache: algokit_utils.applications.app_deployer.ApplicationLookup | None = None, approval_source_map: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None = None, clear_source_map: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None = None) algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClient ¶
Returns a new AppClient client, resolving the app by creator address and name using AlgoKit app deployment semantics (i.e. looking for the app creation transaction note).
- Parameters:
creator_address – The creator address
app_name – The name of the app
default_sender – The default sender address
default_signer – The default signer
ignore_cache – Whether to ignore the cache and force a lookup
app_lookup_cache – Optional cache of existing app deployments to use instead of querying the indexer
approval_source_map – Optional source map for the approval program
clear_source_map – Optional source map for the clear state program
- Returns:
An AppClient instance configured for the resolved application
- Example:
>>> app_client = factory.get_app_client_by_creator_and_name( ... creator_address='SENDER_ADDRESS', ... app_name='my_app' ... )
- export_source_maps() algokit_utils.models.application.AppSourceMaps ¶
- import_source_maps(source_maps: algokit_utils.models.application.AppSourceMaps) None ¶
Import the provided source maps into the factory.
- Parameters:
source_maps – An AppSourceMaps instance containing the approval and clear source maps.
- compile(compilation_params: algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientCompilationParams | None = None) algokit_utils.applications.app_client.AppClientCompilationResult ¶
Compile the app’s TEAL code.
- Parameters:
compilation_params – The compilation parameters
- Return AppClientCompilationResult:
The compilation result
- Example:
>>> compilation_result = factory.compile()