algokit_utils.models.application ================================ .. py:module:: algokit_utils.models.application Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: algokit_utils.models.application.AppState algokit_utils.models.application.AppInformation algokit_utils.models.application.CompiledTeal algokit_utils.models.application.AppCompilationResult algokit_utils.models.application.AppSourceMaps Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: AppState .. py:attribute:: key_raw :type: bytes The key of the state as raw bytes .. py:attribute:: key_base64 :type: str The key of the state .. py:attribute:: value_raw :type: bytes | None The value of the state as raw bytes .. py:attribute:: value_base64 :type: str | None The value of the state as base64 encoded string .. py:attribute:: value :type: str | int The value of the state as a string or integer .. py:class:: AppInformation .. py:attribute:: app_id :type: int The ID of the application .. py:attribute:: app_address :type: str The address of the application .. py:attribute:: approval_program :type: bytes The approval program .. py:attribute:: clear_state_program :type: bytes The clear state program .. py:attribute:: creator :type: str The creator of the application .. py:attribute:: global_state :type: dict[str, AppState] The global state of the application .. py:attribute:: local_ints :type: int The number of local ints .. py:attribute:: local_byte_slices :type: int The number of local byte slices .. py:attribute:: global_ints :type: int The number of global ints .. py:attribute:: global_byte_slices :type: int The number of global byte slices .. py:attribute:: extra_program_pages :type: int | None The number of extra program pages .. py:class:: CompiledTeal The compiled teal code .. py:attribute:: teal :type: str The teal code .. py:attribute:: compiled :type: str The compiled teal code .. py:attribute:: compiled_hash :type: str The compiled hash .. py:attribute:: compiled_base64_to_bytes :type: bytes The compiled base64 to bytes .. py:attribute:: source_map :type: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None .. py:class:: AppCompilationResult The compiled teal code .. py:attribute:: compiled_approval :type: CompiledTeal The compiled approval program .. py:attribute:: compiled_clear :type: CompiledTeal The compiled clear state program .. py:class:: AppSourceMaps The source maps for the application .. py:attribute:: approval_source_map :type: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None :value: None The source map for the approval program .. py:attribute:: clear_source_map :type: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None :value: None The source map for the clear state program