algokit_utils.applications.enums ================================ .. py:module:: algokit_utils.applications.enums Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: algokit_utils.applications.enums.OnSchemaBreak algokit_utils.applications.enums.OnUpdate algokit_utils.applications.enums.OperationPerformed Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: OnSchemaBreak Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Action to take if an Application's schema has breaking changes .. py:attribute:: Fail :value: 0 Fail the deployment .. py:attribute:: ReplaceApp :value: 2 Create a new Application and delete the old Application in a single transaction .. py:attribute:: AppendApp :value: 3 Create a new Application .. py:class:: OnUpdate Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Action to take if an Application has been updated .. py:attribute:: Fail :value: 0 Fail the deployment .. py:attribute:: UpdateApp :value: 1 Update the Application with the new approval and clear programs .. py:attribute:: ReplaceApp :value: 2 Create a new Application and delete the old Application in a single transaction .. py:attribute:: AppendApp :value: 3 Create a new application .. py:class:: OperationPerformed Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Describes the actions taken during deployment .. py:attribute:: Nothing :value: 0 An existing Application was found .. py:attribute:: Create :value: 1 No existing Application was found, created a new Application .. py:attribute:: Update :value: 2 An existing Application was found, but was out of date, updated to latest version .. py:attribute:: Replace :value: 3 An existing Application was found, but was out of date, created a new Application and deleted the original